How to Install Adafuit_Python GPIO Library

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Offical Github with their instructions

The Adafruit Library for Python. This library allows python to access the GPIO pins on
a single board computer. Like Raspberry pi, Beaglebone, MinnowBoard etc

Using Linux

On any Debian-based distro of linux. The easy way to install this library package is to open up the terminal.


Update your system.

sudo apt-get update

Install some needed/useful packages.

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-dev python-smbus git

Clone the AdaFruit Git repository.

git clone

Change the directory to the downloaded git

cd Adafruit_Python_GPIO

Now install the library.

sudo python install

It is awesome that Adafruit has made this library for accessing the GPIO pins on single board linux machines.
You can install this on Mac OSX and Windows, please see the link above for information on how to download and install the packages for those OS’s.

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